!! WANTED !!

As an avid collector, I am constantly looking for micronational banknotes that are missing from my current collection. Whether you have any micronational banknotes that are not present in this online museum, or you are aware of any other micronations that have issued their own banknotes, please do not hesitate to contact me here by email - I would be more than happy to check them out!

The following banknotes are missing from my collection at the moment and are particularly sought after by the museum. Please note that this list only includes micronations currently present in this museum, therefore not meant to be exhaustive. While the more detailed version of my wish list has been temporarily hidden from the site due to potential misuse, please feel free to check here for an additional list of banknote-issuing micronations that are not featured in this museum at the moment. Any information about these micronations would be highly appreciated!

Alphistia [ALP1~4] ND: 1, 2, 5, 10 Peranten (mimeographed)
[ALP5a] ND (2001): 5 Alphen (hand-drawn edition)
Antnapolistan [ANT4] 2003/04: 5 Imperial Pesos
[ANT7] 2003/04 (cont'd): 100 Imperial Pesos (back w/ value only)
[ANT13] 2004/05: 25 Dinars (2004: back w/ temple)
[ANT41 & 44] 2013/14: 5, 50 Dinars
[ANT47a] 2013/14 (cont'd): 500 Dinars (2013: bank name in regular font)
[ANT51a] 2014 A: 20 Dinars (Muslim Organization)
[ANT52b~57b] 2014 A (cont'd): 100 ~ 5000 Dinars (Central Bank)
[ANT74 & 78] 2014/15: 25, 250 Dinars (2014: prototypes)
[ANT82] 2015 A: ½ Dinar (10 years of Bank Markazi)
[ANT87~88] 2015 B: 5, 10 Dinars (front w/ furry camel)
[ANT113] 2015 F: 10 Dinars (front w/ one camel)
[ANT137a] 2016/17: 5 Dinars (w/ hologram)
[ANT147~148] 2018: 1000, 2500 Dinars
Arequipa [ARE1] ND: 1000 Mistis de Oro
[ARE2] ND (1984): 1 Characato de Oro
[ARE3~8] 2000: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Characatos de Oro
[ARE9~14] 2002: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Characatos de Oro
[ARE15] 2012: 500 Characatos de Oro
[ARE28~33] 2022: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Characatos de Oro
[AREU-NL] ND: 100 Oro 24 Kilates (various editions)
Bautelman [BAU1~8] ND: 1, 2, 10, 20 (2 editions), 50 (2 editions), 100 Dollars
[BAU9~14] ND: 10, 20, 100, 200, 500, 1000 Kroner
[BAU15~20] ND: 1 (2 editions), 5 (2 editions), 10, 20 Pounds
[BAU21~24] ND: 1, 5, 10, 20 Latu
[BAU25~26] ND: 50, 100 Reais
[BAU27] ND: 1000 Төгрөг
[BAU28] ND: 200 Markaa
[BAU29] 2019 A: 10 Złotych
[BAU30] 2019 B: 5 Liri
Beaulosagñe [BEA1] 1983: 2 Drachma (Bolozaanse Bank)
[BEA2~6] 1996: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 Fiducia (Banco Royalez del Beauloson)
Birland [BIR1b] 2016: 1 Pound (Birland edition)
[BIR2] ND: 1 Riyal
Boshka [BOH2~3] 2007: 5, 10 Dollars
[BOH8~9] 2012: 50, 100 Dollars
Christiania [CHR1~3] ND: 50, 100, 500.- (hand-drawn)
[CHR4] 1980: 19 Nittenfed (hand-drawn)
[CHRB1] 1978: 1 Gram 25 Kroner (Ombytningscertifikat)
[CHRB2~8] ND: 100, 200, 400, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 Kroner (Folkeaktie)
[CHRT4~5] ND (1978): 3, 4 Kroner (Arbejdsfestival)
[CHRT6] 2000: 10 Kroner (red) (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT8~9] 2001: 10 (pink), 12 Kroner (blue) (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT10~11] 2006: 13 (vand), 15 Kroner (øl) (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT12~13] 2007: 12 (vand), 15 Kroner (øl) (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT14 & 16] 2008: 12 (vand), 20 Kroner (røg) (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT22] 2010: røg (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT23~25] 2011: vand, øl, røg (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT26~28] 2012: vand, øl (2 editions), røg (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT31~32] 2018: vand, øl (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT33~34] 2019: vand, øl (Gøgler-Gæld)
[CHRT35] 2021: vand (Gøgler-Gæld)
Civija [CIV2~7] ND: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Čivija
Cosecha [COS1~8] 2021: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 50 Crowns
[COS14~18] 2021 (cont'd): 2000, 3000, 5000, 7000, 10000 Crowns
[COS19~24] 2022: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Crowns
Damanhur [DAM1~4] ND (1986~89): 10, 50, 100, 500 Cali (Regno di Damanhur)
[DAM5~7] ND (1988): 1, 5, 10 Crediti (Horus - Damanhur Comunità)
[DAM8] ND (1989): 20 Cali (0.2 Credito) (Biglietto da Crediti)
[DAM10] ND (1989 cont'd): 1 Credito (Biglietto da Crediti)
[DAM11~15] ND (1994): 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 Crediti (Biglietto da Crediti)
[DAM16~17] ND (1995): 25, 50 Cali (Banca di Damanhur)
[DAM18~21] ND (1995 cont'd): 1, 10, 50, 100 Crediti (Banca di Damanhur)
DeHerrera [DEH1~2] ND (2019): 1, 10 Herreriano
Delvera [DEV1~2] ND: 1, 10 Waadas
Dracul [DRA1~2] ND (2017 A): 5, 10 Dollars (w/ Vlad the Impaler)
Edristan [EDR1] 2020 A: 50 Cent
[EDR12] 2020 C: 5 Franc
[EDR13] 2021 A: 25 Sata
[EDR17 & 18b] 2021 B: 200, 1000 Schilling
[EDR19, 21 & 24] 2021 C: 25 Pfennig; 1, 10 Mark
[EDR26b] 2021 D: 1 Mark (double-sided; back w/ ladybug)
[EDR31a] 2021 D (cont'd): 50 Mark (single-sided)
[EDR32] 2021 E: 50 Mark (front w/ Vladimir Lenin)
[EDR34] 2022 A: 200 Dinar
[EDR35] 2022 B: 1 Crown
[EDRT1~4] 2021: 0.3, 0.5, 3, 5 Marks (Worker's Voucher)
Egtavia [EGT4] 2011: 10e (2011 Intermicronational Summit)
Elleore [ELL1] 1938: 5 Drachme (issued under Societas Findani)
[ELL2~8] 1948 A: ½, 1, 2, 5, 20, 50 Skilling; 1 Daler
[ELL9~11] 1948 B: 1, 5 Daler; 1 Stakat
[ELL12~18] 1948 C: 1, 2, 5, 8½, 10, 17, 20 Skilling
[ELL19~22] 1948 D: 1, 5, 20, 75 Skilling (Interregnum)
[ELL23~30] ND (1953/54): 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 Hvid
[ELL31~38] 1953: 750, 1000 Hvid; 1, 2, 5 Daler; 1, 5, 10 Stakat
[ELL39a~c] 1954 A: 1 Mark (3 editions: w/o overprint, w/ "K" or "V" mark)
[ELL40] 1954 B: 5 Daler (Jubilee 1944-1954)
[ELL41~42] ND (1955): ½, 1 Disse
[ELL43~44] ND (1960): 50, 100 Hvid
[ELL61] 1961 C: 5 Stakater
[ELL62] ND (1962): ½ Disse (w/ "H" on left)
[ELL63] ND (1970): ¼ Disse (w/ Olau I's portrait)
[ELL65] 1972: 11 Mark (Leo II's coronation)
[ELLC5a~b] 2022: 100/34, 100+50/34 Leo d'Or (ElleCheque)
[ELLC6a~b] 2023: 60/17, 60+30/17 Leo d'Or (ElleCheque)
[ELLT1~3] ND (1963): 1000, 5000, 10000 Sorthvid
[ELLT4~9] ND (2011): 1, 2, 7, 11, 17, 51 Leo n'On (4 editions each)
[ELLU1] 1992: 17 Leo d'Or
Pick numbers based on Mr. Bernhard Lürßen's catalog:
SF.04, KE1.01~14, IR1.01~05, KL1.01~24,
KE2.16, DH1.01, KO1.01,
J01~03, I01, S01~24, P08~09 (incl. 08a & 09a)
Evrugo [EVR-NL] 1990~95: various hand-drawn notes
Filettino [FIL2~4] ND: 10, 50, 100 Fiorito (Il Futuro è Fiorito)
Frioul [FRI13] 2000: 3X+net
FUN [FUN1~2 & 4~21] ND (2003):
50 Colors (Archipelago of Chromaphilia)
50 €gos (Kingdom of Selfonia)
50 Crunchies (Wolphy’s Wonderful World)
50 Doughs (Funtasia)
50 Egos (Bank of FUN)
50-50 Spondulics (Qzertyland)
50 Bones (Transylveria)
50 Joints (State of Bamboos)
50 Sterling Yeneuropetrodollars (Trans-Irate/Post-Mortum)
1 Drop (Stato Liquido)
666 Evils (Evil Money)
50 Kretzer (United Kingdom of Kretzer)
50 Credits (U!^b§I#k°)
50 FUN (Regno di Trinacria)
50 Gondolla® (Ducato di Venezia)
50 Neuros (State of Chaos)
50 Patacas (Bautopia)
50 Bees (State of Being)
50 Tesserae (Granducato di Carrara)
50 Sighs (Land of Hypnagogia)
[FUNT1] 2022: 1 Eon (Netland Postcard)
Gapla [GAP7] ND (2022 A): 1000 Dollars
GCWP [GCP2c~3c] 2001: 5, 10 Raam (front w/ "Nederland")
[GCP3d] 2001/06: 10 Raam (front w/ "Europe")
[GCPB1] 2005: 50000 Euro (World Peace Bond)
Geniusz [GEN9~10] 2011: 2, 10 Centów
[GENT1] ND: 100 Polish zlotych
Great Petoria [GPE2~3] 2015: 5, 500 Фунт
Hajduk Republic [HRM2 & 6~7] ND (2002 A): 2, 50, 100 Kubura (back in multicolor)
Hay [HAY1] ND: 98 Pence
Hesperia [HES1~2, 4 & 8] 2007: 1, 2, 10, 200 Dollars
Homeland [HOM1~10] 2000/05: 1 Bit (10 editions)
[HOM11] 12/2008: 10 Bits
[HOM12] 02/2009: 10 Bits
Illes Sant Jordi [ISJ3~4, 6, 8 & 13] ND (2015): 4, 5, 10, 14, 42 Flames
ISSA [ISA1~3] ND (2006 A): 10, 20, 50 Dollars (front w/ QEII & Jesus Christ)
[ISA8~9] ND (2006 B): 500, 1000 Dollars (front w/ Jesus Christ only)
Jeraco [JER1~6] ND (2016): 1, 5, 10, 20, 100, 500 Zent (front w/ flag)
[JER7~11] ND (2017 A): 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 Zents (front w/ map)
Kaageiland [KAA2] 1980: 1 Kager Kluit
Kamberra Pre-1994 (Numisma):
[KAM1~2] 1988/89: 100, 200 Numismas
[KAM3~7] 1989 A: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 Numismas
[KAM8~12] 1989 B: 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 Numismas
[KAM13] 1990: 10 Numismas
[KAM14~18] 1991: 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 Numismas
[KAM19~23] 1993/94: 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 Numismas
[KAM24~27] 1994: 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000 Numismas
1994~98 (Numisma):
[KAM34] 5000 Numismas (ND: Juliette Pierron; single-sided)
[KAM35] 10000 Numismas (ND: King Franck I; single-sided)
[KAM36] 100 Numismas (1996~98: Josefina Planes Pérez)
[KAM40] 1000 Numismas (1994: Odette Colté; single-sided)
[KAM41] 1000 Numismas (1994: Queen Mother's 65th anniv.; single-sided)
[KAM43] 2000 Numismas (1997: Franz Schubert; laminated)
[KAM44] 4000 Numismas (1998: 10 years of Kamberra; laminated)
[KAM46] 10000 Numismas (1996: Philippe le Bon; laminated)
1999~2001 (Numisma Nueva):
[KAM48] 50 Numismas Nuevas (1999: Juliette Pierron; possibly laminated)
[KAM50d] 10 Numismas Nuevas (1999: Odette Colté; w/ security thread)
[KAM55d] 200 Numismas Nuevas (1999: E. V. Royo; w/ security thread)
[KAM60d] 200 Numismas Nuevas (1999: M. & J. Muszynski; laminated)
[KAM69] 50 Numismas Nuevas (2001: marriage of Ivan & Janine)
2002~present (Numisma):
[KAM72] ½ Numisma (2003: Back w/ zodiac sign)
[KAM75h] 5 Numismas (2005: Polynesians)
[KAM76] 5 Numismas (2007~11: Emma Delpuech)
[KAM84] 10 Numismas (2004~08: Odette Colté)
[KAM88] 100 Numismas (2003: Duke Christian; back w/ statuettes)
[KAM91] 500 Numismas (2005: Germain Weber)
[KAM92] 1000 Numismas (2004~07: King Franck I)
[KAM115] 1 Numisma (2004/05: Oscar Wilde)
[KAM117] 2 Numismas (2005: Albert Einstein)
[KAM119] 5 Numismas (2005: Marlon Brando; single-sided)
[KAM121a~b] 5 Numismas (2006: Marilyn Monroe; portrait w/ fur collar)
[KAM122a] 5 Numismas (2007: Franck Sinatra; w/ large portrait on film)
[KAM131] 5 Numismas (2008: Josefina Morales Planes)
[KAM145] 1 Numisma (2005: Simone Signoret)
[KAM149] 5 Numismas (2005: Diane Olinger)
[KAM150c] 5 Numismas (2009: Charles Darwin; w/ watermark)
[KAM153] 5 Numismas (2006: Pierre Corneille)
[KAM158] 20 Numismas (2003/04: J. M. Planes & A. M. Liranso)
Kingdom of Germany [KRD1~3] ND: 50, 100, 500 Neue Deutsche Mark
Kosgna [KOS1] 2023 A: 50 Kyats (issued under Konigska)
Ladonia [LAD1] 1996: ½ Örtug (Riksbanken i Ladonien)
[LAD3] ND: 100 Örtug
[LAD4] ND: -02 Oertug
Landashir [LAS1] ND (2010): 10 Credits
[LAS2] 2011 A: 1 Credit
[LAS4 & 6] ND (2011 B): 1, 50 Shillings (front w/ coat-of-arms)
Leylandiistan [LEY5~7] 2013: 20, 50, 100 Lira
Los Bay Petros [LBP2~3, 5, 7~8, 10 & 13] 2009: 1, 2, 5, 10 (2 ed.), 20, 500 Money
[LBP15~18] 2009 (cont'd): 50000, 100000, 500000, 1000000 Money
[LBP19~28] 2010 A: 1, 5, 10, 20 (2 ed.), 50 (2 ed.), 100, 500, 1000 Dollars
[LBP29~31] 2010 B: 5, 10, 50 Dollars
[LBP36~38 & 41] 2011 A: 20, 25, 50, 1000 Dollars (National Bank)
[LBP42] 2011 B: 200 Dollars (Central Bank)
[LBP43~44] 2011 C: 100, 500 Dollars (LBP Bank)
[LBP46] 2012: 20 Rubles
Mapsulon [MAP1] ND: ½ Bullera
Marianna [MAR-NL] 1989/90: various hand-drawn notes
[MAR2] 2007: 200 Livres
MOCC [MOC2] ND: various barter notes
Molossia [MOL1] ND (1977): 1 Dollar (issued under Vuldstein)
[MOL2~5] ND (2003): 1, 5, 10, 20 Valora (private issue)
Myrotania [MYR3~4] ND (2013): 50, 100 Myrots
Nabuzje [NAB1] ND: 50 Чеканцев (design based on monopoly money)
Nada [NDA2 & 4~8] 2003: 12.5, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 50000 Dollars
[NDA9~10] 2005: 100, 200 Dollars
Nataque [NAT1] ND (2021): 0圓 (hand-drawn; issued under Tataki)
[NAT2b~3b] 2022: 1, 100 Doces (hand-drawn; issued under Tataki)
New Rizalia [NRI6] ND (2018): 5 Dollars (in commemoration of "CAELUS")
NovaTroie [NOV1 & 5] ND (1977): 5, 500 Francs (issued under UNPEP - La Poste)
[NOV6] 1978: 5 Francs (issued under UNPEP - La Poste)
NSK [NSK2] 12/05/2015: 500 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK3~4] 19/06/2015: 20000 Yugoslavian dinara (2 editions)
[NSK5~6] 19/08/2015: 1000 North Korean won (2 editions)
[NSK7] 23/10/2015: 20000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK8~9] 24/10/2015: 10000 Peruvian intis; 1000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK12] 30/06/2016: 1 Zimbabwean dollar
[NSK13] 11/07/2016: 20000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK14] 04/08/2016: 500 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK15] 11/09/2016: 20000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK16] 15/12/2016: 5000000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK17] 20/01/2017: 20 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK19~20] 11/05/2017: 50, 100 Belarusian rubles
[NSK27] 24/04/2019: 100 Japanese pesos
[NSK28a~b] 20/05/2019: 100 Bosnian dinara (2 editions)
[NSK29] 21/06/2019: 100 Venezuelan bolívares
[NSK30] 29/07/2019: 50 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK31] 11/09/2019: 100 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK35~36] 08/06/2020: 1, 100 US Dollars
[NSK37] 05/01/2021: 50 Bulgarian leva
[NSK38a~c] 11/09/2021: 1 Egyptian pound; 1 Saudi riyal; 5 Emirati dirhams
[NSK38d~e] 11/09/2021 (cont'd): 5, 250 Lebanese livres
[NSK39] 21/10/2021: 5000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK40] 11/04/2022: 100 Belarusian rubles
[NSK42] 16/02/2023: 200 Bulgarian leva
[NSK43] 23/02/2023: 500 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK44~45] 21/06/2023: 500, 1000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSK46] 29/06/2023: 10000 Deutsche mark
[NSK47] 11/09/2023: 25 Iraqi dinars
[NSK48] 28/09/2023: 5000 Yugoslavian dinara
[NSKB1] ND: 10 Euro (Aktie bond issued by NSK Lipsk)
[NSKB2~3] 2016: 100 Shares; 1000 Mark (Zero Principle Bond)
[NSKB4~5] 2017: 200 Reichsmark; Less than 100 Shares (front w/ sower)
[NSKB6] 2017: 500 Dinara (Matrimony Bond)
[NSKB7~8] 2017: 1000 Dollars; 1000 Reichsmark (Zero Principle Bond)
[NSKB12] 2020: 100 Reichsmark (Staalplaat)
[NSKT1] 1992: 1 US dollar (overprinted "Laibach Kapital Tour 1992")
[NSKT2] 08/05/2016: various notes stamped w/ NSK State Reserve seal
[NSKT3] ND: various notes stamped w/ seal & text of NSK Lipsk
[NSKT4] 2020: 20000 Yugoslavian dinara (Thank You: Staalplaat 2020)
[NSKT5] ND (2020): 1000000 Thüringen mark (L'État)
[NSKT10] ND (2023): 12 Reichsmark 50 Reichspfennig (FIAT)
[NSKT11] ND (2024): 10 North Korean won (Правда)
[NSKT12~13] ND (2025): 1 US dollar (2 ed.: Opus DEI & Agnus DEI)
Nyx [NYX1] ND: 5 Pounds (back w/ Cu & Al)
Pangeria [PAN7a & 12a] 2021: 1, 500 Gulden (single-sided)
Penzagrial [PEN1b & 3b~7b] ND (2020 A): 1, 5 ~ 100 Prod (w/ colored corners)
Petonia [PET1] 2005: 1 Petone
[PET5 & 7] 2014: ¼, 1 Petone
Pinsk [PIN3~6] 2004: 10, 20, 50, 100 Goldens
Republic of the Earth [ROE13~14] 2001: 100, 1000 Dhana
St.Charlie [STC1~7] ND (2008/09): 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 Pianeta
Stratton [STR1~6] ND: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Pounds (multicolor printing)
Timucua [TIM5~7] 2009: 20, 50, 100 Dollars
Turany [TUR1] ND (2020): 0 Korún (w/ crown & mountain)
USK [USK1] ND (2019): 1 Dollar (hand-drawn)
[USKU1] ND: 100 Dollars (possibly parody)
Vevčani [VEV1~3] 1993: 1, 50, 100 Личници (hand-drawn)
Volcania [VOL3~4] 1977/78: $1500/$10000, $35000 (2 editions)
Volletnia [VOT1] 2021: 1 Crown
Wadonstol [WAD3] ND (2011 B): 50 Dollars (issued under Ding Dong)
Wallachia [WAL1~4 & NL] ND (2000): 1, 2, 3 Jurovalšáry (various editions)
[WALU1] ND: 1 Valšár
West Who [WWH1] 1970: 5 Dollars
[WWH2~4] 1973: 1, 5, 10 Dollars
Westarctica [WES1~2] 2019: 10, 20 Ice Marks
Wong Ming [WON17~24] 2021: ½, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100幣
[WON25~32] 2022: ½, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100幣
[WONT1] 2005: 5港元 (民眾匯券)
[WONT2~4] 2005/06: 5, 10, 50港元 (國庫匯銀銀票)
Yoron Panauru [YOR2~3] ND: 100, 1000 Star

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